As our curiosities grow with the Expansion of The Open Network ecosystem, Notcoin is one of the latest projects to call Telegram’s blockchain home. But, is Notcoin “Probably Nothing”? That is their slogan after all. Using the power of FOMO to entice new blood and fresh eyes to their project. Promising nothing, well probably nothing. Maybe? Or not? Easy to see how this level of ambiguity can be, annoying. Especially when we’re talking about assets with numbers tied to them. Then it becomes less cutesy and more of a cop-out. Is that the case for Notcoin? Is this just some big joke being played on us? Let’s find out.
As Telegram’s TON coin makes its way deeper into the market, the TVL for The Open Network has made its way into the list of Top 10 Chains, slightly ahead of Linea and right behind Avalanche.
As more projects see their way onto The Open Network this value will increase, but only if all that attention can remain on Telegram. Notcoin is just this, a way for The Open Network to stay competitive.
But information, rather actual concrete facts about Notcoin are few and far between. If this were 2017, Notcoin wouldn’t even be worthy of discussion. But in the current landscape, there’s interest.
Looking at what’s available, here’s everything we know about Notcoin, so far.
What’s a Notcoin?
Notcoin, Not-a-coin, Nothing coin, all of these are meant to poke fun at the ridiculousness that crypto has become.
In a market filled with more animal coins than groundbreaking tech, this strategy hits home. No one cares about how you’re going to change the world. The only concern right now is if the number goes up.
Notcoin has found a way to pique the interest of the community by alluding to just that. Nothing but number go up. No fancy tech, no working protocol, no roadmap, whitepaper, or anything else that might make people think Notcoin is an actual project.
First hinted at in November of 2023 as “probably nothing”, Notcoin introduced itself as a Play to Earn game. But it wasn’t until a few months ago that this game went live, gaining 35 Million players according to Notcoin and crowned as one of the most successful Telegram apps.
You would expect this game to be fun, captivating, or at the very least, interesting.
But, as it turns out. The Notcoin game is not so fun at all. Hardly a game at all, with no real objectives.
Users collect NOT points that can then be converted into NOT tokens. How you play the Notcoin game and get these points? By tapping your screen. Yup, that’s it. Just tap your screen to collect points.
The bar for what constitutes a crypto game has indeed fallen this low. Sparking farmers to create robotic tapping machines and collect tokens. Notcoin encourages this behavior in a way that no other project has.
In looking at both sides of the coin, the opposing view to just how ridiculous it is to call Notcoin a game. It has opened up new avenues for the less involved to get a taste of what crypto feels like. Giving opportunities for someone who doesn’t have many available to them.
With just a phone and Telegram, anyone can tap until their heart’s content. Earning something for their time. Far better than scanning your eyeball for a few extra dollars. In that sense, Notcoin can be seen as more of an onboarding tool for new crypto users.
Why the…
Jesse is a passionate seeker of truth who enjoys educating others about Bitcoin.
As a free thinker and 2nd amendment advocate, Jesse believes each individual has the right to monetary freedom.
“The swarm is headed towards us” -Satoshi Nakamoto