In This Issue
- My latest portfolio updates.
- Jesse has a deep dive for you on Railgun Network.
- David compares two giants: Ethereum vs Polygon.
- Sam has a report for you on NFT finance.
- Rebecca breaks down this week’s trending coins.
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Lark’s Portfolio
This Week’s Moves
I pulled out my bids for Bitcoin at 12.5k, and 14k, and my Ethereum bids at 900. Is the bottom definitively in for the cycle? From a crypto perspective, the chances seem likely. But, from a macro perspective fears remain. That being said, those bids were unlikely to fill anytime soon. Will readjust if things change.
I also added in a few new bids slightly higher. None of these bids are for crazy amounts. Markets could pump and sideline these bids, and that is fine by me.
New bids are as follows:
- Bitcoin at $20,000
- Rose at $0.045 (just a nibble)
- CRV at $0.85
- Avax at $16
You will notice all of these bids are for existing bags. In general, I am feeling pretty hesitant about entering new positions. Although as discussed in the Alpha Report last week I do have a short list of maybe buy coins. That being said, I bridged a little bit of BUSD over to Arbitrum in case I decide to pull the trigger on RDNT.
Oh, and I added a nibble of BTC around $22,800.
The Fear Of Missing Out
FOMO is a real concern when markets start moving up again. The ballet of emotions never ends in crypto. Terror and panic on the way down. Depression and despair at the bottom. Anxiety and FOMO on the way up. Greed and euphoria at the top.
January was a FOMO month.
So, you didn’t perfectly buy the bottom? Guess what… almost no one did!
Here are a few things to remember about FOMO in crypto
First: The market has near endless opportunities. If you are stuck like a dog chasing cars as they go by then you are pretty quickly going to get run over. You will be little more than meat for the grinder. Exit liquidity for those who saw the opportunity before you. Wait for the new opportunities to show up. Get in before the hype or get in just as the hype is starting. BUT, you have to have your ear to the ground for this work. By the time the media is talking about how X narrative is the new paradigm of money, it is too late.
Second: Remember that much of what happens in crypto is seasonal. The narratives tend to cycle from one to the next. For example, in 2021 we saw narratives hype around Bitcoin Season, Ethereum Season, Solana Season, Gaming Season, Dog Coin Season, Polkadot Season, NFT Season, Metaverse Season, Bitcoin Season Again, Everything Season, and then NFT Season Again. Most of these narratives and sectors will pump again. So instead of buying high on the current narrative like AI coins or Liquid Staking Coins, look for what could be coming around the corner! Like new layer one coins or a new DeFi season as tokenomics upgrades come or even the next gaming season.
Third: Think from a perspective of capital preservation. I know we all want to expand our capital which is why we ape into crypto like bananas…