Bittensor – Subnets Will Revolutionize AI


With Bittensor celebrating over 780 days in operation, I’m willing to wager that most blockchain aficionados have never even heard about the project. That’s because after spending its early stages tied to the Polkadot ecosystem, Bittsensor and its price broke free from its DOT cocoon. Bittensor believes that subnets will revolutionize AI and pave the road for free and equal intelligence market opportunities. Something that’s not available to the public in today's landscape. Additionally, you can read more about this and other AI projects in the Top 6 AI Coins with Massive Potential.

Products like OpenAI charge a premium every month for their use and require personal information like users' phone numbers. For anyone concerned about privacy, using OpenAI services isn’t even an option.

While you might think that Singularity AI would be the go-to project of the blockchain community, it's models require a massive amount of computing power and money to operate. Not to mention, each Singulairy node is trained by one machine that is maintained and manufactured by humans.

This leaves a flawed design of human error directly built into the manufacturing of information. Exactly what Bittensor and its open network of subnets have come to fix.

What is Bittensor?

What Is Bittensor?
Source: Bittensor YouTube

At its core, Bittensor has come up with a different way of rearranging the input and output functions of a blockchain ledger. Aside from allowing peers to use the outputs of others as inputs of their own, Bittsensor changes

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