Dogecoin vs Shiba Inu | Which MEME Coin is the Best?

Dogecoin vs Shiba Inu

In this Wealth Mastery Report, we’ll look at Dogecoin vs Shiba Inu in the following ways:

  1. What are Meme Coins?
  2. What is the Difference Between SHIB and DOGE?
  3. Is Shiba Inu Better than Dogecoin?
  4. When will SHIB be $1?
  5. When will DOGE be $1? 
  6. Are Meme Coins a Good investment?

What exactly is this Meme Coin thing?

The battle of the doggie coins continues to rage on in Dogecoin vs. Shiba Inu. It was foretold in the dead meme scrolls back when the internet was just an "Ask Jeeves" loading page—doing what the interwebs do best and seeing just how far it can take something. A dog quickly became the foundation for "much fun" in stirring up financial markets. Why? Because it could, of course. Dogecoin launched itself into the public eye as the first-ever social experiment in just how "funny" money could become when a couple of "frens" get together and have a laugh. This creation is the origin of what's known as "Meme Coins." 


After the creation of Dogecoin, many meme coins have come and gone in an attempt to capture the hearts and minds of the internet. That is where these ideas are born and nurtured, from BabyDoges and BuffDoges to PepeCash and CumRockets. The internet is never in short supply of lolz.

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