Internet Computer is one of the largest undertakings of any cryptocurrency project, for the simple reason that its goal is to replace a highly centralized and controlled global network of internet-providing infrastructure. With the ever-increasing amount of data collection being taken from users of the internet, this seems like a great idea to help put the power of information back into the hands of its actual users.
Through the development of this web-serving public Smart Contract blockchain network “NOT built on Ethereum”, the expansion (or) lack of Internet Computer has been an interesting thing to watch over the past couple of years. Starting its development journey in 2017, the Internet Computer has had no shortage of financial backing with fundraising for the project going as far back as 2014. But, It wasn’t until May 2020 when the Proof of Stake ICP Token was created and catapulted into the Top 10 cryptocurrencies. While only a brief moment in the sun, it was enough to get everyone asking “What is an Internet Computer?”. It’s been a little over a year now and what the majority of people like myself who are researching the project quickly find can be a serious cause for concern.
Internet Computer boasts the ability to be a self-governing, self-containing ecosystem that can scale with the capacity of a growing user base. Through the use of specialized data centers, Internet Computer helps to create extra layers between the users and their Internet Providers. This new way of thinking about how we use the Internet effectively combines the way it already works into an even more centralized point of control. While the Internet Computer has spent much of its time detailing the finer points of how certain parameters are considered “decentralized” in the nature of their operation, it becomes clear that the way in which the Internet Computer works, creates more problems than it solves. This idea that every stream of data on the Internet should be controlled by one protocol is not only ridiculous, it’s about as Orwellian as you can possibly get. So if you’d like to learn about why the Internet Computer does not work, then keep reading.
<h3 id="why-is-internet-computer-failing?“>Why is Internet Computer Failing?
Open-Sourced? Nope
For starters, Internet Computer is not an open-source project. This means that how it really works is hidden from the public. This hidden technology also includes proprietary functions owned by the Dfinity Foundation, the creators of the Internet Computer. This takes tremendous gusto on behalf of the creators because it almost instantly defies everything a truly free Internet stands for, right from the start. Instead, this does the opposite, helping to create an even more centralized and controlled means of collecting data information through applications.
With the way the Internet currently operates data is separated to some degree between your Browser, Applications, and Internet Service Providers. This is why you need to provide KYC for your Coinbase account or get nasty letters from your Internet Provider when you download that movie still in the theaters. This happens because, to at least some degree, data is separated. Your digital presence has some distance from the physical you. This is why…
Jesse is a passionate seeker of truth who enjoys educating others about Bitcoin.
As a free thinker and 2nd amendment advocate, Jesse believes each individual has the right to monetary freedom.
“The swarm is headed towards us” -Satoshi Nakamoto