A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a community of token holders that collectively make decisions for the organization. It is fully autonomous and transparent: smart contracts lay the foundational rules and execute the agreed-upon decisions of the members. In this category, you’ll find all articles we have ever published concerning DAO’s.
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Alt Layer 1

Is Gnosis a Hidden Gem?

With many major announcements happening on Gnosis this year, it’s time to explore what this network really has to offer.

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mask network

What is Mask Network?

Mask Network is a new creation that allows users to send encrypted messages, trade cryptocurrencies, store files, and interact with DeFi & NFTs over popular social networks.

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what is a dao

What Is A DAO? | DAOs Explained

DAOs are Decentralised Autonomous Organisations that operate through smart contracts. Their financial transactions and rules are encoded on a blockchain, effectively controlled by the organisation’s members rather than a central governing authority.

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