Earn 487% Liquidity Mining by Defi Dad

One of the worst parts of the DeFi user experience is the absence of direct communication between users and DeFi protocols. If you’ve used DeFi, you’re probably accustomed to a barrage of indirect ways teams communicate with their users such as Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Medium, and more.

With tens of billions of dollars invested, does it make any sense that we should have no direct line of communication between protocols and investors?

What if you could message DeFi participants based on their wallet address and nothing else? You’d preserve their right to privacy by not forcing them to dox who they are while establishing a more reliable infrastructure for communications.

Imagine in the future DeFi protocols can message your crypto wallet for:

  • Exploits and hacks
  • Liquidation warnings
  • New product announcements
  • Community calls
  • Crucial governance votes
  • Token migrations
  • Yield farming program end dates

The list is endless. We live in a world where we invest our life’s savings into applications and protocols that have no direct way of reaching us. 

Until now! The Ethereum Push Notifications Service (EPNS) is launching on mainnet Ethereum in Q2 or Q3. Protocols will be able to use mobile push notifications at the protocol level. DeFi users will download an iOS or Android app and subscribe to DeFi team channels like Aave, Compound, or Zapper.

Imagine Aave creates an EPNS channel where anyone who’s deposited money into Aave can voluntarily subscribe to receive notifications when their Aave loan Health Factor is below 1.5 and nearing liquidation.

Imagine the next team to be hacked in DeFi can go on EPNS and message all wallets invested in their protocol something like “An exploit is taking

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