Request Network – A Promising Payment Solution

request network

Request Network is a promising payment solution protocol that offers something not seen often enough in this industry. A unique project designed around real-world utility. These types of protocols can change how businesses operate on a fundamental level. As one of the only full-suite payment solutions ready to go, the Request Network is patiently waiting for governments to give the green light to crypto, levelling the playing field and enabling real-world assets to make their way onto the blockchain. In the meantime, they've been grinding away at building one of the best business services the market has seen. That is since Lark first reviewed Request Network over 5 years ago.

Accounting software is a pretty big deal. The dominant distributor of this software stack is currently Intuit and their Quickbooks program, netting the company over $3 Billion in revenue the past year. That's because you can't have a functional business without bookkeeping. Every penny that goes in and out needs to be properly documented for auditing purposes. But this Quickbooks standard leaves a lot to be desired. You can't pay invoices directly from Quickbooks and users are constantly battling poor integration and synchronization with banking institutions.

This leads to considerably more manual entry work, costing businesses additional time and money. Something that could easily be avoided with better software. The type of software that Request Network is currently distributing.

What is Request Network?

Request Network Payments
Source: Request Network

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