What is GALA Games? Is Gala Worth Investing In?

gala games

What is Gala Games?


Gala Games is a video game publishing house that began operating in late 2020. Like traditional game publishers, Gala operates a platform identical to Epic Games, or Steam in which it will host various new and upcoming titles. But, because this is blockchain, all titles released through Gala will have game-specific NFTs that tie into each unique project. Gala Games states that it believes strongly in Fun being the primary motivator in a good game. By focusing on creating fun games, Gala believes it will draw in a considerable user base to grow its ecosystem. As with NFTs, users will own all their own in-game assets tied to their Gala Account Wallet. Games developed on Gala also seek to get input from the community playing these games to help develop each game in the right direction. 

Gala Nodes

Gala depends heavily on what they call Gala Nodes. These Nodes are purchased from Gala Games at a serious premium and they’re operated locally by those who purchase them. By owning a node, users earn a small number of GALA Tokens in return for their computing power. But, these nodes are not an obtainable thing for many users. To even buy a Node for any game operating on Gala. A user must first buy a Node License from Gala for $92,500. Only then can a user have the “opportunity” to purchase a Node and support their game of choice.

While Gala is currently continuing to sell these Node Licenses, no games currently have Nodes available for purchase. This calls into question why Gala Games would continue selling these licenses to anyone when they have

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