Definer Report by Jesse

With the US elections over, there’s no reason we shouldn't see this incredible momentum in Bitcoin continue. This week we’re reviewing DeFiner, a project looking to better leverage the Compound Finance platform to give users even better options for DeFi lending and saving.


DeFiner is a platform built for users to work together to access the power, flexibility, efficiency, and convenience of decentralized financial services. DeFiner allows those embracing the new, digital economy to unlock instant value from their assets. Receive instant loans with a better interest than competitors, payback loans with collateral, and compare better options for fixed-term and fixed-rate loans all from one platform. With ongoing audits, Definer is insured by Nexus Mutual to help protect users from losses in the Defi ecosystem. DeFiner uses Binance’s open-source code to track the value of currencies and the Kyber Network to allow users the ability to swap between tokens. DeFiner has added to their ecosystem by partnering with Wyre, allowing users to take their cash and convert it into cryptocurrencies, or cash out by turning their crypto loan back into fiat currency to spend or invest as desired.

DeFiner states that on average, the Compound borrower rate is 3-5% higher than the depositing rate. With the interest rate earned by depositors equal to the borrowing interest rate, multiplied by the utilization rate. The utilization rate ranges from 40-75%. Or, if you reverse these numbers (60% - 25%), showing there is usually 25-60% capital earning nothing. This is the major reason that the spread between the borrowing rate and lending rate is so high on Compound. The management

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