As Worldcoin begins making its rounds through the media with the help of its $3 Billion Valuation and $250 Million in startup funds. It’s time to discuss what you should know about Worldcoin. Founded by OpenAI CEO (ChatGPT) and serial entrepreneur Sam Altman. WorldCon, sorry, WorldCoin (I’ll try to work on that) is already ruffling the feathers of lots of people. Designed around an Orwellian-style shiny metal orb that scans your retinas, it’s safe to say that I and others at Wealth Mastery are “NOT” a fan. Below the surface of this project is an even hotter topic, Universal Basic Income (UBI). With strong arguments for and against it. UBI can be seen as the fix for all of mankind’s financial problems, or the irreversible enslavement of every human on earth. Worldcoin is in bed with the first idea and what’s believed to be driving the project forward. The problem with this is that the creators of WorldCon see themselves as the ones who should be UBI’s owners.
This is stunningly apparent in how the project actually operates. While Saruman’s Orb might be open-sourced, similar to Helium’s HNT miners. Unlike Helium, the software operating all these orbs is a closely guarded secret. When questioned by multiple news outlets, not a single Orb Operator was able to explain how the software works. All they seem to be concerned about is earning a commission for each retina they scan. Showing that the ones at the top of the WorldCon food chain are extremely disconnected from those at the bottom. You know, like how they built the Atom Bomb.
Through the process of bribery and coercion, the WorldCoin Palantír orb is said to have successfully scanned over 2 Million eyeballs, yet there are less than 150,000 people who have activated their Worldcoin App accounts. Far from the 1 Billion users, Worldcoin has promised its investors. This is because the majority of users who gave in to the orb, only did so to earn a cash reward provided by Orb operators.
This may not sound like much, but in countries where families live on less than a dollar a day. This is a big deal. WorldCon has conducted itself like an Identity thief giving out free heroin to junkies in exchange for their ID. Some seriously scummy stuff. WorldCoin puts lipstick on that pig by calling it a “social assistance giveaway” to people who participated.
World ”Con” Origin Story
Like every good villain, Worldcoin has an interesting backstory. Through Sam Altman’s work as an engineer, he launched the social network app Loopt. This was one of the first apps ever available on the Apple App Store and earned Sam access to the fold of the World Economic Forum. Since then Sam has made his way through several prestigious companies like Y Combinator and Reddit before forming OpenAI, the company responsible for ChatGPT. Sam has placed all of his focus since then on developing AI technology. In 2020, a Private Software Company called Tools For Humanity was created by Sam with the intention of launching his newest project WorldCoin. Since then, Sam has used his connections as an Angel Investor to solicit the WorldCon project to as many parties as possible.
Fast-forward to 2023 and Sam’s dystopian nightmares are becoming a new reality. Despite the US Federal Trade Commission’s investigation into OpenAI’s…
Jesse is a passionate seeker of truth who enjoys educating others about Bitcoin.
As a free thinker and 2nd amendment advocate, Jesse believes each individual has the right to monetary freedom.
“The swarm is headed towards us” -Satoshi Nakamoto