Top 5 Real World Asset Altcoin Gems

Real World Asset

This month's Altcoin Gems report will focus solely on what most consider a heavily undervalued marketplace. That’s right! We’re talking about the Top 5 Real World Asset Altcoin Gems (RWA) projects. With more than $800 Trillion worth of real-world assets sitting on the sidelines waiting to be tokenized and the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies barely at $1.7 trillion, capturing even half the RWA market has some major implications for the blockchain world. This could be the largest asset consolidation between legacy investors and us crazy crypto kids, making this the perfect time to look at the “Top 5 Real World Asset Blockchains” available right now.

The reason this is such a big deal is that even the most anti-crypto investors can identify and understand the value of RWAs.

The addressable market for real-world assets is one of the largest in the world. Anything that needs verifiable documented ownership is ripe for the blockchain disruption train.

With clearer regulatory frameworks being worked on as you read this, it’s only a matter of time before the gate for real-world assets swings open.

Source: CitiGroup

Removing the need for central databases is at the heart of what makes digitizing real-world assets such a powerful proposition.

Without the need to trust a third party, asset owners will finally know how good it feels when no institution can steal ownership rights from under you.

Want to learn more about how RWAs specifically affect NFT issuance? Then don’t forget to check out Sam’s report on the Americana Project.

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